Dog sleeping on the sofa

How to Help Dog Separation Anxiety

It’s no secret that dogs are highly social animals. They thrive on companionship with humans and often feel more confident when we’re around. The downside is that we can't take them everywhere! Leaving our furry friends alone, even for just short ...

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Why Are Dogs Scared of Cars & Other Travel Questions!

Travelling with your dog can turn a mundane journey into an exciting adventure. Who doesn’t want to hit the road with their best friend from time to ...

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Dog Facts

11 Thrilling Facts About The Australian Shepherd Dog Breed

Australian Shepherds, often known for their intelligence and athleticism, are one of the more distinctive and well-known dog breeds around the world. ...

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Happy DOG Experts

How to Introduce Dogs on Walks: A Happy Dog Expert Explains!

While out walking your pup, you may get into situations involving other people’s dogs where you don’t know the best action to take. This article will ...

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Understand your dog

Why Does My Dog Hate The Postman? A Pooch’s Point Of View!

Hey there, human! Us dogs are fun, loveable creatures, right? Always up for belly rubs, playtime, and many, many, many treats. Yep, we can get along ...

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Understand your dog

How To Teach Your Dog To Settle At Night

Being able to get your pooch to settle at night is important for both you and your pup. If you’re reading this article, we imagine you have a rather ...

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Doggy 101 – Our Kids’ Favourite Questions Answered!

Our kids have asked us some funny dog questions over the years. For example, why do dogs wag their tails? What do dogs dream about? And can dogs be ...

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Understand your puppy

Happy Dog Expert: Supporting Your Puppy in Their First Weeks

Adopting a puppy is a great adventure! The first few weeks are often full of emotions and discoveries, and sometimes the reality is different from ...

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7 Fascinating Careers For Dogs In The Human World

We can all agree that dogs are pretty great. They’re warm, they’re fuzzy, they’re just plain adorable. But dogs are actually far more than just our ...

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Understand your dog

Why Does My Dog Chew On Things?

For our pups, chewing is a very normal part of doggy life! We may think at times that they are chewing to annoy us, but this is far from the case and ...

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Active Dog

Dog-Friendly Activities This Spring

As the weather warms up and the days lengthen, spring is the perfect time to head out into the outdoors and create new adventures with your pooch. ...

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Happy DOG Experts

Hyperactivity in Dogs: A Happy Dog Expert Explains!

I receive many cases in my practice from guardians who come to me because their dog is hyperactive. This is an interesting subject to break down ...

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Understand your dog

Can Dogs Sense Our Mood And How Can We Support Each Other?

With Mental Health Awareness Week on the horizon, we thought we’d explore one of the more commonly asked questions that dog-parents love to ponder: ...

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Active Dog

12 Tips For A Dog Picnic: A Pooch’s Point Of View!

Did somebody mention a dog picnic? Too right they did! Just the thought is enough to get my tail wagging.

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Active Dog

Why Do Dogs Love To Bury Things?

Most dogs love digging – no surprise there! We’ve all seen them out in the garden or on the beach, with their heads down, dirt and sand flying ...

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Tips and Advice

How To Keep Your Dog Safe When Walking At Night

We’ve all experienced the joys of heading out for a dog walk on a bright sunny day. With our often-hectic lives to contend with, however, sometimes ...

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Stressed Dog

Why Is My Dog Scared Of The Rain?

Discovering that your dog is scared of rain can be a tricky situation to navigate, especially if you live somewhere that seems to rain nonstop. As ...

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Happy DOG Experts

Is Hierarchy in Dogs a Myth? Happy Dog Expert Explains!

You may have heard that to train your dog you have to be their pack leader, or that if your dog behaves in a certain way, it means they are dominant. ...

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How To Train Your Dog To Walk On A Lead

Taking a dog for a walk has everything you need for the perfect activity: plenty of fresh air, exercise, and some great company in your canine ...

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Understanding Your Dog’s Body Language During Car Travel

Much like humans, dogs often use their whole bodies to show us how they’re feeling. Being able to understand their body language is a helpful tool ...

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Dog Facts

Everything You Need To Know About Dogs Molting In Spring

As spring brings longer, sunnier days with warmer temperatures, we tend to see much more dog hair in our homes. You may find yourself asking why your ...

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Tips and Advice

Dog Park Rules: The Dos & Don’ts – A Pooch’s Point of View!

Image a paradise where leads are kept at bay and a thousand opportunities await – welcome to the dog park, my two-legged friends! As an expert in all ...

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Happy DOG Experts

A Dog’s Sense of Hearing: Happy Dog Expert Explains

In today’s society, our pets are just as much a part of our family as our fellow humans. We look after them and care for them intimately. But in ...

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Dog Collar or Harness, Which Is Better For Walking Your Pooch?

With walks being a part of every dog’s daily routine, it’s important that each of us humans uses the right method of restraint between a dog collar ...

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Dog Facts

12 Facts About Border Collies

Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your leashes. Today we’re herding together a few facts about one of the canine world’s most impressive stars: the ...

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Dog Behaviour

Why Is My Dog Afraid Of Stairs?

Does your dog hesitate at the first sight of stairs? Whether it’s a fear of ascending, descending, or even both, this behaviour is surprisingly ...

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Understand your dog

How To Tell Your Dog You Love Them On Valentine's Day

“And they called it puppy love” … but what if we told you that the love our dogs give us is anything but puppy love? With Valentine’s Day around the ...

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Happy DOG Experts

Enriching Your Dog's Environment: A Happy Dog Expert Explains!

Have you ever wondered about the role environmental enrichment can have on a dog’s wellbeing? If so, you’re in the right place! We’re taking a closer ...

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Dog Handling

The Importance of Staying Calm in Front of a Dog

Do you ever feel like your dog really gets you? Like they can understand exactly how you’re feeling? Well, you’re probably not the only one! Dogs are ...

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Active Dog

5 Ways To Provide Mental Stimulation For Dogs In Winter

As the winter chill settles in, our canine companions can naturally find themselves cooped up indoors more often, which may lead to restlessness and ...

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Tips and Advice

Do Dogs Need Routine? Tips & Advice For Dog Parents

Maintaining a routine for dogs is paramount for their overall well-being and happiness. Just as humans thrive on predictability and structure, so do ...

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Understand your puppy

New Year, New Puppy? How To Create A Dog-Friendly Home

From adventurous hobbies to ill-fated exercise regimes, the new year is truly a time of fresh opportunities. But while some of these resolutions may ...

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Happy DOG Experts

9 Popular Misconceptions About Our Dogs: Happy Dog Expert Explains

We have all heard things that are meant to be true about dogs, such as a dog will not listen to their human because they are stubborn or dominant. ...

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Tips and Advice

How To Stop Cats And Dogs Fighting In Winter

The chances are, you’ve probably heard the phrase ‘Fighting like cats and dogs.’ The quote is so old in fact that it goes right the way back to ...

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Christmas Day - A Pooch's Point Of View

Ever wanted to know what Christmas day is like from a dog’s perspective? Well, let me tell you how…

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Dog pictures

6 Famous Dogs In Art And Literature

It’s fair to say our furry friends have left quite the mark throughout history. Not content with merely being by our sides, dogs have inspired ...

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