ADAPTIL for dogs

Doggy 101 – Our Kids’ Favourite Questions Answered!

Written by Adaptil | 18-Jun-2024 8:14:50 PM

Our kids have asked us some funny dog questions over the years. For example, why do dogs wag their tails? What do dogs dream about? And can dogs be right or left-pawed in the same way us humans are right or left-handed? 

All excellent questions to tickle the curiosity of both young and adult minds alike – so, why not answer them! From quirky dog behaviour to understanding the unique nature of dog body language, we’re exploring a whole range of fun facts about dogs to put those burning questions to rest.

Why Do Dogs Wag Their Tails?

A great question to start off with! Tail wagging is a dog body language that signals their emotions. A wagging tail usually means a dog is happy or excited, and the faster the wag, the more excited they are. That said, a wagging tail isn’t always a sign a dog is happy. There are many different ways in which a dog can wag their tail and each one will usually mean a different thing. For example, a low, tucked in tail may be an indicator they are nervous or wary of a situation.

Why Does My Dog Lick Me?

Dogs might lick people for a whole variety of reasons, one of which is their way of showing affection. So, if your dog is licking you, it could mean they like you! That said, it might also be because they simply like how you taste, such as after a hard workout has left you with the salty taste of sweat. Otherwise, licking is also how dogs explore the environment around them and communicate with other dogs.

Why Is Chocolate Bad for my Dog?

Chocolate contains a compound called theobromine, which is a problem for dogs as they metabolize it slowly, causing a toxic level to build up. Theobromine is a stimulant, much like caffeine, so keep a look out for hyperactivity and muscle tremors or twitching as this may be one of the first signs you notice. You should also make a note of what type of chocolate it was, too, because different types all contain different amounts of theobromine.

If a dog ingests chocolate, this can cause them to be sick and can lead to serious health issues including heart problems, seizures, muscle tremors, and twitches. If you suspect your dog may have snuck some chocolate behind your back, it’s best to contact a vet immediately. 

Why Do Dogs Howl?

Howling is a behaviour dogs use for communicating over long distances. In fact, the sound of a dog howling is thought to be able to travel for many, many miles! Some dogs may be more likely to howl when left alone, which could have a number of explanations. For example, they may be bored or trying to attract attention. If this sounds a lot like your pup, find more info in our previous article here.

Why Do Dogs Have Wet Noses?

Interestingly, the wetness of a dog’s nose actually helps to enhance their sense of smell. The moisture helps capture scent particles – a lot like how water can soak up sand or dirt – and allows dogs to detect smells far more accurately than humans.

Why Do Dogs Have Whiskers?

Whiskers (technically known as vibrissae) are super-sensitive hairs around a dog’s face that essentially work as tactile sensors. Any touch or air movement near a dog’s whiskers will send a signal to their brain, helping them to navigate or locate small objects.

Why Do Dogs Eat Grass?

If a dog is eating grass, this could be to soothe an upset or stomach, or simply because they like the taste. As long as your dog isn’t eating anything harmful, like grass that has been treated with pesticides, then an occasional nibble is usually ok. Excessive grass-eating dog behaviour, however, should be checked by a vet to understand the underlying cause.

Who Has Better Hearing, a Human or Dog?

It shouldn’t be any surprise to hear that dogs have incredible hearing – far better than us humans! A dog is capable of detecting frequencies from about 40 Hz to 45,000 Hz, whereas a human’s range is usually 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz. Not only that, but a dog’s ears can actually pinpoint the direction of a sound faster than humans.

This will explain the confused look on your pup’s face when they tilt their head to listen to seemingly nothing!

What Is a Fear of Dogs Called?

The fear of dogs is called cynophobia. It’s a surprisingly common fear and can cause a lot of distress to the individuals affected – always worth bearing in mind if your dog loves nothing more than greeting strangers.

Do Dogs Dream?

Yes, dogs do dream! They go through similar sleep stages as humans, including REM (rapid eye movement) sleep in which dreams occur. Observing your dog’s body language during sleep, such as any paw movements or twitches, can be a clue that they’re dreaming.

Why Do Dogs Bark?

Dogs bark for all the same reasons that us humans use our own voices: to communicate. A dog might bark out of fear, as an alert, to show their excitement, or even out of boredom. Understanding the context behind a dog barking can help decipher what they’re trying to say. You can find more information on this and other fun facts about dogs in our previous article.

What Do Dogs Eat?

Dogs are omnivores, meaning they eat a whole variety of foods. Meat, grains, vegetables – your dog will be more than happy with it all! That said, a balanced diet is crucial for a dog’s health, so it’s important to feed them high-quality dog food that meets all their nutritional needs. 

There are also a number of things dogs shouldn’t eat, such as chocolate, raisins, grapes, onions, garlic, and macadamia nuts. If you think your dog has eaten anything they shouldn’t, contact your vet immediately.

Why Do Dogs Sniff Everything?

A lot like how we use our eyes to understand what’s going on around us, sniffing is one of the main ways dogs gather information about their environment. A dog’s sense of smell is incredibly powerful – thanks to those wet noses we mentioned above – allowing them to detect things that humans can’t even begin to perceive.

Can Dogs Understand Humans?

Dogs have been our close companions for over 10,000 years, so it makes sense they’ve developed some ability to know how we’re feeling during that time! Interestingly, recent studies have shown that dogs can pick up on cues in our speech, body language, and even how we interact with other humans. You can find more information on this subject in our previous article.

What Does It Mean When a Dog Shows Their Belly?

When a dog shows their belly around another dog, this body language is a sign of submission and is their way of saying they’re not a threat. This can be similar around humans, too, and can be how they show you that they’re comfortable with your presence. However, it’s important to note this does not necessarily mean your dog wants to be touched on their belly!

Why Do Dogs Chase Cats?

Well, not all dogs do chase cats. Many cats and dogs live together in perfect harmony, especially if they’ve been raised together and both have a calm temperament. That said, they both have different needs and express their emotions in different ways, which can occasionally be a source of confrontation between the two. For example, dogs will often chase other dogs as a way of playing together. However, when a dog tries to chase a cat as a form of play, the cat is likely to find this experience threatening rather than fun.

It's also worth noting that some breeds of dog have been bred to chase small creatures, so they have an inherent drive to chase something running away from them. For cats, moving away to hide somewhere is their natural instinct!

What Does It Mean When a Dog Raises One of Their Front Paws?

This can be a subtle sign that your dog is feeling unsure about a certain situation. If you see your dog raising a front paw, watch the rest of their body language to understand if they’re unhappy. If they are, try to work out what might be troubling them and either move away or take steps to reduce the impact. For example, it may be that touching your dog is causing them distress, in which case you should stop, or you may need to increase the distance between them and a specific person.

In the long term, it’s good to work out how you can help your dog in case any similar situations come up. The support of a qualified behaviourist can be helpful here as they’ll be able to guide you through a personalized training plan and give you the tools to handle any future incidents.

Why Do Dogs Roll in Smelly Things?

One of the more entertaining questions about dogs! Well, for one thing, dogs may roll around in smelly things just because it’s good fun. Otherwise, this may be due to a dog’s natural instincts dating back to their wild ancestors. In the wild, wolves have been spotted rolling in different scents, and some scientists think this may be to carry certain scents back to their pack. It could also be a way of a dog masking their own natural scent, helping them to avoid detection while out hunting.

What Are the Largest and Smallest Breeds of Dog?

The largest breed of dog is the English Mastiff, with some weighing over a colossal 100kg. There are several breeds vying to be the smallest, but it’s most likely the Chihuahua. The world’s smallest individual dog as recognized by the Guinness World Records is Milly, a Chihuahua weighing in at just 453 grams!

Can Dogs Be Left or Right-Pawed?

Just like humans have a dominant hand, dogs can have a dominant paw too. A study from the University of Adelaide found that 34% of dogs were left-pawed, 29% were right-pawed, and 37% had no preference!

Do you know which is your dog’s dominant paw? One way to find out is to watch how your dog starts to move from standing still. Look for which paw they lead with and keep watching to see if they use the same paw each time. If they do use the same paw, that’s likely to be their dominant side.

Doggy 101

All these questions about dogs, from the funny dog questions to the more complex inquiries, help us to understand our four-legged pals that little bit better. And remember, this doesn’t just satisfy our curiosity but also helps us to improve our ability to care for them in the most loving and informed way possible!

Are there any more questions about dogs your kids are burning to have answered? Send them our way! We’ve got all sorts of fun facts about dogs just waiting to be shared. You can also stay informed with our latest tips, guides, and ADAPTIL information by signing up to our newsletter.