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How Long Does It Take To Toilet Train A Puppy


If you’ve just welcomed a cute new pup into your family, then one of the first things you’ll need to think about is toilet training your paw-some pal.

Usually, you’ll want them to learn to go to the bathroom in your back yard or another outside space near your home. As long as you invest time (typically 4-6 months) to help your pup, potty training should be an easy process. Remember that all pups are individuals, and some may need extra time and help! The size, age, or breed of your dog can also impact how long they take to become house trained. Younger dogs have smaller bladders, and smaller breeds have faster metabolisms, so they will need more frequent bathroom breaks. But with a lot of patience and time to work with your pup, you will both find a routine!

Here are some simple steps to help your pup understand where they should and shouldn’t go to potty:

4 Ways to Help Your Puppy With Toilet Training


puppy looks in distance


1. Help your puppy understand their routine.

Giving your puppy regular toilet breaks is crucial when you first start toilet training them. Puppies have small bladders and you should take them out every couple of hours initially, as well as first thing in the morning, before bed, and after meals.

Once you start to recognize signs that your pup needs to go, you should be able to take them outside in time. Watch out for your puppy becoming more active or wandering to the door as this can be a sign that they need to do their “business”! Some puppies may need frequent reminding, so make sure you give plenty of opportunities to go outside!

After a few months of routine and going outside, your pup should soon learn when to go. You’ll be able to increase the time between visits outside. Just remember not to expect too much too soon! If your puppy is having frequent accidents, then you’ll need to increase visits outdoors.

2. Praise your pup when they go to the bathroom outside!

Everyone feels better when they receive praise and your pup is no different! Remember to always be positive and be patient with your puppy. All puppies will have accidents at first, but you shouldn’t punish them! This can frighten them as well as damage your friendship!

Make sure that you always praise your pup immediately after they have done their business outside. Don’t wait until they come back in the house to praise them. When you praise your pup, calling them a “good boy/girl” or saying “wee wee”, they will recognise your positive tone of voice and understand that they have done the right thing.


puppy husky going to the toilet outside


3. Be a good friend to your puppy

Puppies don’t like to be on their own when they are young! So, make sure you keep your pup pal company. Always go with them into the yard, so you are there to reward them when they go potty. You can also use cue words such as “business” or “be busy” while the puppy is going to the bathroom. These words can be used to prompt your pup later on.

Puppies are creatures of habit so it’s best to introduce them to the yard as a toilet area right from the start. Taking them back to the same spot can help them understand that this is where they should go to the bathroom.

4. Know your puppy’s habits

Although you are trying to create a routine for your pup, it’s important to take their toilet habits into account. It might be useful to keep a diary of when your pup eats, sleeps, and has to go potty, to make sure you are always there during the right time for efficient training.

Eating stimulates the digestive system. Puppies normally pee within fifteen minutes of eating and poop within half an hour. However, this can change depending on the individual. Some puppies can have very poor bladder control - so may need to go every hour or so.

Toilet training your pup can be tiring and requires consistency, but your paw-some pal will soon get there! You can always take your pup to puppy classes or ask your veterinarian for advice if you need some extra help.

As long as you always remain calm and patient, your pup will usually become toilet trained in 4 to 6 months. Following these easy steps may help your pup learn in as little as a few weeks.

To give your pup a little extra support, consider using an ADAPTIL Junior collar. ADAPTIL Junior gives effective comfort to newly adopted puppies; providing “comforting messages” to help your puppy feel secure and learn better, to ensure they master toilet training even faster!


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