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Dog-Friendly Activities This Spring

As the weather warms up and the days lengthen, spring is the perfect time to head out into the outdoors and create new adventures with your pooch. The leaves begin to grow on trees and flowers start to blossom, meaning there are different and exciting things for your pup to sniff as we move out of winter. There are a lot of different dog friendly outdoor activities that you can enjoy with your best friend, read on to find out more.

Outdoor Adventure Ideas For You And Your Dog

1. Hiking

Are you a lover of walking? Do you have a high-energy pooch who just adores running along trails with you? Well, hiking trails might be the perfect activity for you and your dog! You could investigate different local paths that may not have been suitable for you and your pup during the gloomy winter weather. If hiking is new to you, we recommend building up the distance or inclines gradually. This ensures neither you nor your pup go further than you are able to.

If you are a regular hiker, your pup may be used to your regular route! So why not try switching things up and walking in a different direction than usual or adding a little detour? This will keep things interesting for both you and your pooch.

2. Picnics

Picnics are a lovely way to enjoy some fresh air with your pup, without having to always be on the go. Make sure to pick a snack for your dog to enjoy too – perhaps a treat they haven’t had in a while, or some of their regular kibble. Alternatively, you could pack a long-lasting chew as something to keep your pup occupied whilst you eat. 

If you have a clever pup and are interested in dog enrichment ideas, you may want to bring a puzzle or activity feeder. Something to mentally stimulate your pup whilst you relax. 

Family of four, lying down on the grass having a picnic with their dog.

3. Dog Friendly Beaches

Another dog friendly outdoor activity is walks on the beach. If you are lucky enough to live close to a beach, you may know that some are not open to dogs during certain times of the year. A benefit of springtime is that some of these beaches open their arms to our pooches! We suggest taking full advantage of this – the beach is a lovely setting to let your pup chase a ball or run around for fun. 

There are, however, certain risks that come with beach trips. So, we do advise you to be aware of certain beach ‘hazards’ such as broken glass, tides and jellyfish. All are possible encounters for you or your dog, so just be sure to keep a close eye on them! 

4. Playdates!

If you have friends in the area with pups of their own, you could arrange a playdate. Meet up at a local park, visit each other’s gardens or even explore a new trail together! Dogs are like us in more ways than we think. They need socialization with others, and this is the perfect way to keep them happy. 

Two dogs running together in a field.

5. Games To Play Outside With Your Dog

Do you, like most of us dog parents, have a box of old, worn or damaged dog toys? Perhaps the new season is a great time to try a new toy and dispose of the others. You may even discover a new favourite for your pup.

Dogs in spring can often pick up sticks outside, that have often been lying around from previous winter storms. We advise you to watch out for this as sticks can often splinter and may damage your dog’s mouth. It is much safer to play with tennis balls or flying discs – whatever works best for your pup!

6. A Springtime Photoshoot

With the days being lighter for longer and the beautiful new growth of trees and plants, these can be beautifully glorious settings for a photoshoot. Taking photos of your dog can be a wonderful, bonding experience and is a perfect way to play with your dog outside. For our top tips on how to take great photos of your dog, check out our blog.

Person taking a photo of their small dog sitting outside on the grass.

7. Brain Activities

If your pooch grows more and more clever by the day and you are constantly impressed with their smarts, why not venture outside to try and learn something new together? A dog friendly outdoor activity for you to enjoy could be learning a new trick or trying some agility. We recommend always using positive reinforcement when your pooch needs some encouragement and, above all, to be patient whilst your pup learns the new activity. 

If you are still interested in dog enrichment ideas that you can do outdoors, you could try dog agility courses. They are fantastic mental and physical stimulation for your dog, as both mental and physical exercise are very important. You could try a specific course, or even try to create one for your dog in the garden! By using chairs, tables and cardboard boxes you would be amazed at how well it can form a basic agility course. 

Things To Look Out For

Dogs in spring can often act a little differently than usual. They may seem more energetic or more interested in the environment. First of all, don’t be alarmed! This can be entirely natural and is usually linked to all the different scents in the air. Many plants are blooming and new wildlife is being born – these are both things that can cause a difference in your dog’s behaviour in spring.

Golden Retriever puppy sniffing the grass outside.

Keeping Safe Outside

As the outdoors brings so many wonderful opportunities to play outside with your dog, there are a few considerations to take when doing so:

  1. Always be prepared with water and a bowl. Walking or running around is thirsty work and your dog may need a drink.
  2. Take notice of your environment. Are you hiking a new trail where there could be new wildlife or livestock around? In these places, it may be best to keep your pup on a lead just in case. 
  3. Be wary of what your pup puts in their mouth, and be on the look out for poisonous plants. Make sure to keep a keen eye on them when around flowers and other greenery.

Are you on the lookout for even more dog friendly outdoor activities? Then get in touch! We love hearing all about your pooch’s adventures and sharing all the advice we can. You can also stay informed with our latest tips, guides, and product information by signing up to our newsletter.

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